> Hi all,
> I'm plotting some data read in from an HDF file that contains an
> "units" attribute with the data - units are "m/s". My NCL plotting
> script automatically plots this units data in the upper left corner
> of the plot without my explicit instruction. The only way I can
> appear to turn it off is to set the units in the script as '@units=""',
> thereby forcing the data to not have any values in that string.
> Is there a better way to do this? I searched the documentation,
> and I could't figure out any way to repress this particular
> attribute from being plotted besides my kludge above.
> Thanks for any information!
> Jason
Hi Jason,
I'm CC-ing my answer to this question to "ncl-talk" as well, since
that's an email group specifically for NCL questions.
One way you can turn off this string is to set the special gsn
resource called "gsnLeftString" to "":
res@gsnLeftString = ""
The gsn_csm layout, along with some of the the resources that
affect it, is documented at:
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