ncar graphics on linux alpha

From: Wade Huebsch (Wade.Huebsch@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 17:00:42 MST

  • Next message: Mark R. Conder: "Compiling NCARG 4.2.3 with pgf90"

    I would like to install the NCAR Graphics package on a linux alpha machine. I looked at the pre-compiled binaries available - there is one for PC-Linux and one for DEC OSF alpha. I downloaded the alpha package and installed (with a little tweaking because it wanted to install PC-Linux). I set up my env. variables and tried to run the test:
            ncargex cpex08

    I get the following error:
    "Error: Unresolved symbol in /usr/local/bin/ncargpath: _F64_stat"

    So three related questions:

    1) Has anyone tried to use the binaries on a linux alpha machine?
    2) Is there something simple I can do to fix this problem/error?
    3) Or will I need to download the source code and compile?

    If #3, is there anyone who is running NCAR Graphics on a linux alpha box?


    Wade W. Huebsch, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    West Virginia University
    Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engr.
    P.O. Box 6106
    Morgantown, WV 26506-6106
    (304) 293-3111 x2331

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