Re: Great than 360 degree map

From: Dave Kennison (kennison@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 15:25:31 MDT

  • Next message: Tomas Kalibera: "Autograph does not display tick's in 4.2.x"

    > Is it possible to plot maps with continental outlines greater than
    > 360 degrees?

    There's no built-in automatic way to do this. You *can* draw a map
    in two pieces that shows more than 360 degrees of longitude, but it
    requires a couple of sequences of calls to EZMAP. I thought I had
    a canned example that I could post with this response, but I haven't
    been able to find it. If I come across it, I will send it along ...

    Dave Kennison

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