57 character limit to opngks file ?

From: John W. Glendening (glendeni@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 22:54:43 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "Re: 57 character limit to opngks file ?"

    I recently changed the name of a GFLAS file used in the following code
    running version 4.0.1
            character qgflasfile*90
            CALL GOPWK(9,1,3)
            CALL GFLAS4 (1,qgflasfile)
            CALL GFLAS3 (1)
            CALL GCLWK (9)

    and got the following error messages:
    wks.c: Error in opngks_(): Could not open /users/glendeni/SOAR/MAPS/TOPO/maps.topo.37-107+86-136.gf
    wks.c: Error in opngks_(): Could not open /users/glendeni/SOAR/MAPS/TOPO/maps.topo.37-107+86-136.gf
     ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)

    so there seems to be 57 character limit to the file name. That seems
    rather short so I wanted to know if there is any way that limit can be

    MAIL|  Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening          Meteorologist
    SENT|  Naval Research Lab - Monterey          glendening@nrlmry.navy.mil
    FROM|  7 Grace Hopper Ave Monterey, CA 93943  831-656-4725

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