Re: idt hangs, but ctrans works?

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 10:44:26 MDT

  • Next message: Marina Baldi : "ncarg under linux"

    > Hi,
    > Hardware: PC with intel pentium
    > Operating System: redhat 7.0
    > NCAR Graphics: v4.2.2
    > Question: Difference between idt and ctrans
    > I can draw multiply frames figures using ctrans. But idt doesn't work.
    > What i got is a blank display window. When I move to another frame, an
    > error message: "Address Out of Range. There are 0 frames" in the idt.
    > ictrans doesn't work either.
    > $ictran TER.PLT
    > Too many file names
    > $
    > Thanks in advance for any help,
    > Qingtao Song

    I talked with Qingtao Song behind the scenes to get more information
    about his computing environment. We discovered that he had "echo"
    statement in his .bashrc file that was causing output to be echoed to
    the screen whenever the file was sourced.

    When "ictrans" was being invoked, the output from the .bashrc file
    was causing ictrans to think it had a bunch of files on the command
    line, and thus it gave the "Too many file names" error message.

    Once the echo statement was removed from the .bashrc file, ictrans
    worked, and so did idt (which invokes ictrans).

    I am still trying to find out why an echo statement in a .bashrc file
    would cause this problem with ictrans, and when I do, I'll post the
    answer here.



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