Re: printing NCARG files on full page area

From: Kate Hedstrom (kate@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 09:07:30 MDT

  • Next message: Martin Janousek: "Re: printing NCARG files on full page area"

    > I'm an MM5 user and I wonder if there is a simple answer to my question.
    > I'm using the NCARGRAPHICS utilities to plot and print output of MM5.
    > The question is how to make plots that cover full page ?

    There is a way to edit the ascii version of the graphcap file
    and convert it to the binary graphcap file. I did this once,
    but neglected to repeat the procedure when NCARG got updated.

    I now take a different approach. Take the default postscript file,
    run it through ps2epsi, then scale the resulting eps file in some other
    application such as xfig. It is very simple in xfig - import as a
    picture object, scale it as desired, then export as postscript.


    Kate Hedström               Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences       Rutgers University

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