xy plot

From: Livio Casella (l.casella@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 03:23:01 MDT

  • Next message: Dave Kennison: "Re: xy plot"

    Hallo , I am making a xy plot and I have this problem:
    I want to plot 2 variables in 2 separate y axes with the same x axis,
    without using the ncl routines: I want to use the old NCAR GRAPHICS routine
    (for istance exy or ezy -AUTOGRAPH).
    Is it possible? Thank you very much.


                   Livio Casella - CRATI s.c.r.l.
                      University of Calabria - ITALY
                    tel. +39 0984 838052
                     fax +39 0984 401660
                      e-mail: l.casella@crati.it

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