> I have a plot using x,y 0,.38 - 1,1 of 0,0 - 1,1. I tried
> ctrans -d ps.land.color -w 0:.38:1:1 gmeta > ! NcUS.ps
> lp -d color NcUS.ps hoping this would expand the plot into more of
> the standard 8.5"x11" paper in landscape orientation. Ok, so it did cut
> out that part of the plot, but merely centered it lower on the paper
> without expanding it to fill more of the paper. Apparently ctrans
> effectively made a new square with the cut portion now centered in it,
> and the new square was made to fit within the paper. Is there a way to
> expand that portion, keeping it rectangular, not forming a new square,
> so that the result may then expand out to fill more of the paper?
> Is there a way to specify that while plotting, plots are to go to
> some other file name than gmeta?
In answer to your first question, the best thing to do is modify your
GKS workstation activation calls so that your output goes directly to
PostScript. Then, you can set the PostScript device coordinates LX,
UX, LY, and UY to specify how you want your output to fit on an 8.5 x
11" piece of paper. For more information, see the "Using the full
page" section of the GKS PostScript documentation at:
You can also generate an example which produces a weather map that
takes up the full page in a PostScript. To run this example, type:
ncargex wmex14
This will produce a PostScript file called "wmex14.ps". You can then
look at the file "wmex14.f" to see how the device coordinates are set.
In answer to your second question, you can set the Ngmisc parameter
"ME" to indicate the name of the metafile that you want the graphical
output to go to. For example, to change the name to "META01", your
program might look something like this:
. . .
C Open GKS
C Set ME parameter to 'META01'.
C Open workstation (in this case, a metafile
C called 'META01').
CALL GOPWK (1, 2, 1)
C Activate workstation.
. . .
You can find out more about the Ngmisc parameters by doing a man on
--Mary Haley
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