ctrans on linux pc

From: Kuoying Wang (kuoying@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Mar 08 2001 - 00:55:36 MST

  • Next message: Ra Aman: "landscaping to expand to max"

    Dear All,

    I will be very grateful if you can advice me on the following

    I have installed ncarg-4.2.2.source_code.tar.gz into
    a PC (AMD Athlon) running Linux (Linux Version 2.2.13).
    The package runs well with simple codes, and the
    result (gmeta) can be seen on the PC using following command

       ctrans -d X11 gmeta

    However, I have difficulty in viewing results from codes running
    with more complicate codes (e.g. using conrec).
    The gmeta file cannot be seen on the Linux PC using ctrans. But if
    the same gmeta file (generated on the linux PC) transferred to a
    sun workstation, then the file can be seen (using ctrans on the sun)
    without any problem.

    I will be very grateful if you can advice me on how to show gmeta files
    on the Linux PC.

    With many thanks

    Dr Kuoying Wang Email: kuoying@mail.atm.ncu.edu.tw
    Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling Lab. Phone: (886-3) 422-7151 X 5553
    Department of Atmospheric Sciences Fax : (886-3) 425-6841
    National Central University
    Chung-Li, Taiwan

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