If you're using NCL set the contour resource "cnRasterModeOn" to True,
set "cnLevelSelectionMode" to "EXPLICITLEVELS" and set "cnLevels" to the
unique values you want.
If you're using the FORTRAN utilities you can use CPCICA which will color
a GKS cell array.
> Hello -
> We are working with an array of classification data, where each array element
> corresponds to a particular class of some classification system (e.g. land
> cover type). It is not a continuous field so it is not appropriate to contour
> the field (i.e. class 5 does not necessarily occur between class 5 and 7 in
> the field). We want to use the NCAR graphics package to assign a color on a
> map to each array element which corresponds to a particular class number.
> Is there a way to do this?
> Thanks!
> Mary Bousquet
> MESO, Inc.
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