Re: linking problems, RH 6.2 alpha

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Oct 25 2000 - 15:21:20 MDT

  • Next message: Richard Healy: "Re: [Fwd: Compiling problems with HP-UNIX]"

    > Hi,
    > I have a user with what I suspect (hope) is a fairly straightforward
    > problem, however I am not that familiar with using NCAR graphics. I have
    > compiled from source code version 4.1.1 on a dual-Alpha-processor Compaq
    > running RedHat 6.2. When the user tries to run his code (which has run
    > successfully on other machines), I get multiple errors of the "undefined
    > reference to `cpseti_'" variety. The references all appear to be to cp
    > functions (cpseti, cprect, cpclam, etc).
    > .
    > .
    > .
    > Steve

    Dear Steve,

    The NCAR Graphics 4.1.1 source code has a Fortran file in it that some
    GNU compilers choke on. While it's not really a bug in the file, we
    have "fixed" it so that it will compile with these compilers. This
    file is actually part of the cp* collection of files that you are
    getting the undefined references from, so it's a safe bet that this is
    causing your problem.

    To get this fix, I recommend downloading the NCAR Graphics 4.2.2
    source code from Even better yet, if
    we have a set of pre-compiled binaries available for your system, I
    would recommend downloading these instead.

    Good luck!


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