> Hi
> I'm trying to run through the test section of the install guide, but when I
> run the ncargex example ulitity it errors with the following:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> zircon# ncargex example
> NCAR Graphics Fortran Example <example>
> Copying example.f
> Compiling and linking...
> f90 -O -o example example.f -L/mod3/local/ncarg/lib -L/mod3/local/ncarg/lib
> -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -L/usr/dt/lib -lncarg -lncarg_gks
> -lncarg_c -lX11 -lXext
> Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
> ggkwdr_
> /mod3/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gziqwk.o)
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to example
> The compile and link failed.
> zircon#
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> Any ideas will of course be much appriated..
> Regards
> John
It looks like the build of the NCAR Graphics GKS library may not have
completed successfully when you built NCARG from the source code. This
may have been due to the problems you had with "dmake" as Hugh
Pumphrey mentioned in an earlier message.
If you still have the NCARG source code directories where you ran the
installation, do the following:
cd $NCARG/ncarg2d/src/libncarg_gks
make all install
Make sure this build completes without any errors. In particular, you
want to make sure that the file "cdrivers/fort_c.o" gets built and
added to the "libncarg_gks.a" library.
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