Re: gmeta ---> .png

From: Ethan Alpert (ethan@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Oct 10 2000 - 09:55:18 MDT

  • Next message: Waylon Collins: "Error during ncargex"

    FYI, ctrans' postscript conversion is somewhat old. A direct postscript GKS
    driver was added a couple of years ago.

    If you're using the classic FORTRAN interfaces please see:

    If you're using NCL or the HLU's create an psWorkstationClass instead of
    ncgmWorkstationClass. Look at the following for various options:

    Writting directly to PS if an importing to GIMP is your goal may be more


    > > > How about trying this direct from gmeta to a .png (Portable
    > > >Network Graphics) plot format image file? Anyone know of such a
    > > >graphcap file which can let ctrans do this?. (Or how about .gif
    > > >(Graphics Image File), .jpg (JPEG Image File), .bmp (Windows
    > > >bitmap image file), or .pcx (ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file)?)
    > One more way to get .gif or .png images from metafiles is to
    > use ctrans to create postscript, then load that into the Gimp
    > (Gnu image manipulation program). Using the Gimp, you can control
    > the amount of anti-aliasing and also the conversion to an
    > indexed color palette. I like the results with moderate
    > anti-aliasing - some of the other packages mentioned lead to
    > terrible aliasing (staircase jaggies on sloping lines).
    > The Gimp lets you do anything at all to your bitmapped images,
    > but the learning curve is fierce.
    > Kate
    > --
    > Kate Hedström Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
    > Rutgers University

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