Before you ran ncargex. Did you set the NCARG_ROOT environment variable?
This needs to be set to the directory you installed NCAR Graphics to run
any program linked to the NCAR Graphics libraries.
> I am trying to build the NCAR graphics software from source code.
> I am using both a PC Linux with the pgf90 compiler, and HP-UNIX.
> Some errors appear during the "make Everything >& make-output &"
> procedure.
> Further, when I execute the "ncargex example" test command, I get errors
> associated with "ncargpath".
> I think the problem is associated with my settings in the configuration
> file. Does anyone know the exact settings of the following parameters in
> the configuration file, for both PC Linux and HP-UNIX?
> CCompiler
> ExtraSysLibraries
> CcOptions
> FcOptions
> Sincerely,
> Waylon Collins
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