> I'm having trouble with idt.
> The idt window is comming up. But, when I specify a file to display,
> nothing is displayed.
> I do get this error sometimes:
> reading stdout of translator: Error 0
> Translator aborted
> I'm able to view the files with ctrans
> I'm using version 4.2 under Solaris 7
Usually, when you get an error message from idt about the translator,
this means that idt is having trouble running "ictrans".
To fix this, you need to make sure that your NCARG_ROOT environment
variable is set correctly. It should be set to the parent directory of
where NCAR Graphics was installed. For example, if NCAR Graphics was
installed to /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, etc, then set NCARG_ROOT
to /usr/local:
setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local
Secondly, you need to make sure that $NCARG_ROOT/bin is on your search
path so that it can find ictrans. Type:
which ictrans
at the UNIX prompt to find out if the path to ictrans is on your
search path. "ictrans" should be in the same location as "idt", so if
your system is finding "idt" okay, it should also be finding "ictrans"
--Mary Haley
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