Re: colormap with animate (idt)

From: Robert A Cohen (bbq@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 08:52:46 MDT

  • Next message: Martha Limber: "map data"

    A follow-up to my problem...

    I found that the problem is with any "capture" program (e.g., xv) and is
    only a problem with Windows 98. It works fine with Windows NT. I don't
    know why. I use Windows 98 on my PC so I am still searching for a
    solution (although it isn't as critical now)...

    | Robert Cohen Department of Physics |
    | East Stroudsburg University |
    | East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 |
    | (570) 422-3428 |

    On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Robert A Cohen wrote:

    > I've been running NCAR graphics on my DEC alpha workstation and viewing
    > the output via idt on my SGI workstation with no problem until my SGI
    > monitor failed. Now I'm viewing the idt output via Xcursion on my PC.
    > This is sufficient except that whenever I use "animate" to store images
    > for later looping, the animated images use a different colormap. Can
    > anyone tell me why this is and how I can correct it? Thanks for any
    > leads.
    > P.S. Although I've used NCAR graphics for a while, I am still a relative
    > novice. I am a new subscriber to this list and apologize if this question
    > has already been addressed. I searched through the ncarg-list archives
    > and came up empty.

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