Re: T,log-p or Stueve diagram

From: NCAR G Talk (ncargt@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 08:12:53 MDT

  • Next message: LakshmiNarasimhan: "is gmeta file's extension .ngcm"

    > Dear NCAR-Graphics Users!
    > We are looking for a NCAR-Graphics based software
    > that is able to plot radiosonde data in a (skewed)
    > T,log-p or Stueve diagram. If somebody has such
    > a program and is willing to share the software
    > with us, we would be very happy. In this case,
    > credit to the source of the routines will be
    > given in journal publications, as well as in
    > internal reports.
    > Our meteorological institute would need such
    > a software for synoptic graduate and undergraduate
    > classes, as well as research.
    > Thanks a lot for considering my request,
    > Andreas Fink

    Dear Andreas Fink,

    You can see some examples of skew-T plots at:

    These were done with some new graphical functions written in NCL.

    If these are the kind of plots you are looking for, you can send email
    to the folks listed on this page and ask about getting the latest
    version of NCL for creating these plots.

    --NCARG Talk Staff

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