Re: Station model data

From: Giovanni Leoncini (leoncini@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 19:41:34 MST

Fred! ;-)

you wrote:

> When you say that "the corrisponding IMDAT array is empty," do you
> mean that all fields are blank characters?
yes I do!

> If you want to suppress drawing anything, a quick workaround is to
> make sure that the second character in IMDAT(1) is "2", i.e. set
> IMDAT(1)(2:2) = '2' and nothing will be drawn.
cool and useful!! ;-)

> In general, under what conditions would you like to have the
> drawing suppressed? We can change the code.

actually with that hints it's easy to suppress the entire station, but
what I still can't do is, for instance, to plot the temperature
when wind and cloud cover are missing because I'm not able not to have
calm wind and clear sky symbols drawn.

I hope I make it clear, if not, well let me know! :-)

anyways ...thanks

Giovanni Leoncini
Graduate Student
Meteorology Department
San Jose State University
One Washington Square, tel : 408-924-5199
San Jose, CA, 95112 email:

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