Would anybody have a NCL script that computes meridional
streamfunction from ccm3 data? I looked through the "Built-in NCL
functions and procedures" web page and all I could find was the
regular streamfunction (uv2sfvpf and uv2sfvpf). Any help will be
greatly appreciated.
Andrea Hahmann
/@@\ | Andrea N. Hahmann
\__/ | Inst. of Atmospheric Phys.
W AA W | PAS Bldg. 81
|__AYA__/ | University of Arizona
AXXV | Tucson, AZ 85721
VXXV | Phone: (520) 621-6619
W VUV W | (520) 621-8836 (msg.)
|_/ V \_/ __ | Fax : (520) 621-6833
\ [_ \ | http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/hahmann/hahmann.html
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