Re: EPS files and CMYK

From: John Sheldon (jps@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Mar 19 1999 - 11:50:47 MST

On Mar 19, 10:33, Rick Taft wrote:
> Subject: EPS files and CMYK

Hi Rick-
> For years we have been producing PostScript (and EPS) plots using
> NCAR Graphics. These PostScripts plots have always used the RGB color
> space. The AMS (American Meteorological Society) has begun accepting
> electronic versions of figures for its journals, but requires that they
> be in EPS format using the CMYK color space. So my questions are:
> (1) Is there an "easy" way to convert RGB-EPS files to CMYK-EPS files?
> (2) Can NCAR Graphics produce CMYK-EPS files directly or are there
> plans to do this in the future?

Well, I can't tell you how the NCAR Graphics folks would suggest you
do it, but we have submitted many figures digitally, to AMS and others.
We flow the EPS files through Adobe Illustrator on our PowerMac. Now,
I'm not sure what other platforms you have or whether Illustrator
has been ported to them, but I can say that when we tell printers
that the EPS files we are sending them come from 1) Illustrator,
generated on 2) a Mac, there is an almost audible sigh of relief at
the other end of the line. :-)

John P. Sheldon
Technical Services Manager

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA
Princeton University/Forrestal Campus/Rte. 1
P.O. Box 308
Princeton, NJ, USA 08542

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