Re: info

From: George Vandenberghe (gwv@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Dec 09 1998 - 10:46:29 MST

    I don't know of a general code. THe following
loops will do it

 1088 format(i2,x,'N')
 1087 format(i2,x,'S')
          do 15,lat=-60,60,20
          do 15 lon=27,360,20
         call maptra(flat,flon,uu,vv)
       if(lat .lt. 0) then
       write(ctemp,1088) lat
       call gslwsc(2.0)
        call plchmq( uu,vv,ctemp,1.,0.,0.)
       call gslwsc(1.0)
 15 continue
          do 16,lat=-33,60,20
          do 16 lon=0,360,20
         call maptra(flat,flon,uu,vv)
       if( lon .lt. 180) then
 1089 format(i3,'E')
 1091 format(i3,'W')
       call gslwsc(2.0)
        call plchmq( uu,vv,ctemp,1.,0.,0.)
       call gslwsc(1.0)
 16 continue


You may want to make the numbers bigger.. these ar really small.
The fourth argument in plchmq is the number size.

I inserted this just after the mapdrw call in mpex05.f
for the stereographic projection and got reasonable labels.
 (I also called mapsti with increment of 10 rather than 15
in mpex05.f))

(you also need to create character*4 ctemp)

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