> I would like to convert ncgm files to gif files. I know there are utilities to convert
> postscript to gif (xv, imagemagick convert, imconv), but I haven't been able to
> get them to work on solaris, at least for postscript files produced by ctrans. I
> can convert screen images to gif, but the resolution is poor. It would be so
> much easier if ctrans could convert ncgm files directly to gif. Are there any
> plans for this?
> -Steve Ghan
Dear Mr. Ghan,
There are currently no plans to implement a direct NCGM to GIF
conversion in NCAR Graphics. The reason being is that GIF uses a
compression scheme that is patented by Unisys, and it is our
understanding that in order to use it you need to pay them royalties.
There are other ways of going from an NCGM to a GIF file, however. As
George Vandenberghe mentioned, you can first convert the NCGM to an
xwd file and then use image.majik to convert that to a GIF file.
Our FAQ contains a couple of other methods that you can use. Please
go to http://ngwww.ucar.edu/info/faq.html#ConvertGif for more information.
Also, you mentioned using ictrans to convert your NCGM file to
PostScript. You also have the option of drawing your graphics directly
to a PostScript file. Please see
http://ngwww.ucar.edu/ngdoc/ng/gks/ps.html for information on how to
do this, or you can run:
ncargex wmex14
Which should copy a Fortran file called "wmex14.f" to your current
directory, compile, link, and execute it, and produce a PostScript
file called "wmex14.ps."
--Mary Haley
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