idt and ncarv_spool question

From: Andrew Lare (lare@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Oct 30 1997 - 09:23:34 MST

I have some figures which have white lettering on a black background.
When printing on a color printer, the black background is no longer
there so the lettering is then white on white.

I've had little success in configuring the entry in ncarv_spool. The
following two entries have been tried, but they only manage to hang the
color printer. Any suggestions?

Tried thus far:

color_portrait : -d sgi : | tekprint -bwinvert true -pq phaser340 | lpr

color_portrait : -d ps.color > /tmp/ : | psblack < /tmp/ >
/tmp/ | tekprint true -pq phaser340 | lpr -Pphaser340

Thanks for your assistance.

|* Dr. Andrew R. Lare     *|
|* Space Applications Corp.      E-MAIL: *|
|* NASA/GSFC Code 913            VOICE/FAX: 301-286-9588/301-286-1759 *|
|* Greenbelt, MD 20771           OFFICE:    Bldg.22  Rm.C109C         *|

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