> I've written a c program using the vvudmv routine which looks like this:
> colr_ptr = vvudmv;
> c_vvectr (zdat[n1],zdat[n2],zdat[n3],iama,colr_ptr,&fdm);
> This works fine under AIX on the RS/6000 but when I compile under IRIX
> 5.3 or 6.2 I discover that vvudmv is a fortran routine and add an
> underscore (_) to vvudmv. Okay, no problem. But when I run it I get a
> segmentation fault. Is this because IRIX C doesn't allow function
> pointers to fortran routines? Is there a C version of vvudmv? Any help
> appreciated. I'm using NCAR Graphics 3.2. Thanks.
> -Rick Healy
Dear Mr. Healy,
We just happen to have a C version of the Fortran example "fcover"
which calls the Fortran version of vvudmv directly from c_vvectr.
I'll include it below, and hopefully this will help you get started.
I tested it on our IRIX 6.2 system and it worked just fine. To
compile and run it, you need a data file called "fcover.dat". To get
this data file, just type:
% ncargex fcover -n
Then, to compile and run this program, type:
% ncargcc c_fcover.c
% ./a.out < fcover.dat
* $Id: c_fcover.c,v 1.1 1994/10/31 04:16:57 haley Exp $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
#include <ncarg/gks.h>
#define MSIZE 73
#define NSIZE 73
#define ICPIWL 1000
#define ICPRWL 5000
#define IAREAL 20000
#define MCRA 64
#define NOGI 64
#define LMAP 150000
#define NWRK 10000
#define ISIZ 5
#define NCLRS1 15
#define NCLRS2 9
#define NROWS 11
#define WSTYPE 1
#define WKID 1
int ifilix[2];
float rlwfac;
* indices used for vector coloring
int iclr1[NCLRS1+1] = {0, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95, 102, 109};
* indices used for coloring other plot features; be careful not
* to duplicate any color indices in iclr1
int iclr2[NCLRS2+1] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 149, 225, 175, 176, 200, 3};
* empirically determined vector thinning data
* starting from the pole, each row of vectors is weeded, mod the
* value of this data.
int ithin[NROWS] = {90,15,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2};
* This program requires the input data file 'fun-cover.dat'
* It reads the data from standard input, e.g.: fun-cover < fun-cover.dat
* Conpack work space and Areas area map
float rwrk[ICPRWL];
int iwrk[ICPIWL], iam[IAREAL];
* arrays for drawing masked grids
float xcra[MCRA],ycra[MCRA];
int iaai[NOGI],iagi[NOGI];
* map filling arrays
int map[LMAP], iarea[ISIZ], igrp[ISIZ];
float xwrk[NWRK], ywrk[NWRK];
int i, j, nclv, idm;
float vmn, vmx, dmx, *xdm;
float vl,vr,vb,vt,ul,ur,ub,ut;
int ll;
float p1[2], p2[2], p3[2], p4[2];
* external subroutine declarations
extern int fill();
extern int drawcl();
extern int NGCALLF(vvudmv,VVUDMV)();
extern void setcgt();
extern void setcla();
extern void rddata();
Gcolr_rep rgb1[NCLRS1+1];
Gcolr_rep rgb2[NCLRS2+1];
* define a set of rgb color triples for vector colors
rgb1[0].rgb.red=0.00000; rgb1[0].rgb.green=0.00000; rgb1[0].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[1].rgb.red=0.00000; rgb1[1].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[1].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[2].rgb.red=0.14286; rgb1[2].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[2].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[3].rgb.red=0.28571; rgb1[3].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[3].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[4].rgb.red=0.42857; rgb1[4].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[4].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[5].rgb.red=0.57143; rgb1[5].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[5].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[6].rgb.red=0.71429; rgb1[6].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[6].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[7].rgb.red=0.85714; rgb1[7].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[7].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[8].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[8].rgb.green=1.00000; rgb1[8].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[9].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[9].rgb.green=0.85714; rgb1[9].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[10].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[10].rgb.green=0.71429; rgb1[10].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[11].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[11].rgb.green=0.57143; rgb1[11].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[12].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[12].rgb.green=0.42857; rgb1[12].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[13].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[13].rgb.green=0.28571; rgb1[13].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[14].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[14].rgb.green=0.14286; rgb1[14].rgb.blue=0.00000;
rgb1[15].rgb.red=1.00000; rgb1[15].rgb.green=0.00000; rgb1[15].rgb.blue=0.00000;
* rgb values for other plot features
rgb2[0].rgb.red = 0.0; rgb2[0].rgb.green = 0.0; rgb2[0].rgb.blue = 0.0;
rgb2[1].rgb.red = 1.0; rgb2[1].rgb.green = 1.0; rgb2[1].rgb.blue = 1.0;
rgb2[2].rgb.red = 0.0; rgb2[2].rgb.green = 0.0; rgb2[2].rgb.blue = 0.0;
rgb2[3].rgb.red = 0.9; rgb2[3].rgb.green = 0.9; rgb2[3].rgb.blue = 0.9;
rgb2[4].rgb.red = 0.6; rgb2[4].rgb.green = 0.6; rgb2[4].rgb.blue = 0.6;
rgb2[5].rgb.red = 0.3; rgb2[5].rgb.green = 0.3; rgb2[5].rgb.blue = 0.3;
rgb2[6].rgb.red = 0.8; rgb2[6].rgb.green = 0.9; rgb2[6].rgb.blue = 1.0;
rgb2[7].rgb.red = 0.5; rgb2[7].rgb.green = 0.0; rgb2[7].rgb.blue = 0.5;
* this is the ocean color; the color actually used on the
* fundamentals cover is the following commented out value --
* for viewing on a workstation a bit darker color makes the
* lettering easier to read.
* + 0.0,0.9,1.0,
rgb2[8].rgb.red = 0.0; rgb2[8].rgb.green = 0.5; rgb2[8].rgb.blue = 0.7;
rgb2[9].rgb.red = 0.0; rgb2[9].rgb.green = 0.0; rgb2[9].rgb.blue = 0.0;
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* open gks, open workstation, activate workstation.
gopen_gks ("stdout",0);
gopen_ws (WKID, NULL, WSTYPE);
* give initial value to fill color index stored common block cbfill
ifilix[0] = 149;
ifilix[1] = 200;
* set up auxiliary colors
for( i = 1; i <= NCLRS2; i++ ) {
* read the input array data
* message the data to eliminate surplus of vectors near the pole
for( j=NSIZE; j >= NSIZE-NROWS+1; j-- ) {
for( i = 1; i <= MSIZE; i++ ) {
if (i % ithin[NSIZE-j] != 0) {
u[j-1][i-1] = -9999.0;
* set up the ezmap projection
c_mapstc ("ou - outline dataset selector","co");
p1[0] = 10.0;
p2[0] = -180.0;
p3[0] = 10.0;
p4[0] = 0.0;
* initialize maps and areas
c_arinam (map,LMAP);
c_mapbla (map);
* tell vectors to use the mapping established by ezmap
c_vvseti("map -- mapping flag", 1);
c_vvseti("set -- set call flag", 0);
* set up data coordinate boundaries and special value processing
* appropriately for the dataset
c_vvsetr("xc1 -- lower x bound", -180.0);
c_vvsetr("xcm -- upper x bound", 180.0);
c_vvsetr("yc1 -- lower x bound", -90.0);
c_vvsetr("ycn -- upper y bound", 90.0);
c_vvseti("svf -- special values flag", 3);
c_vvsetr("usv -- u special value", -9999.0);
c_vvsetr("vsv -- v special value", -9999.0);
c_vvsetr("psv - p special value", -9999.0);
c_vvseti("spc - p special color", 1);
* do the equivalent conpack setup; note that the special value
* parameter works a bit differently, and also conpack requires
* an out of range value to be set whenever the data grid extends
* outside the map boundaries. the standard value for the default
* version of cpmpxy is 1.0e12
c_cpseti("map -- mapping flag", 1);
c_cpseti("set -- set call flag", 0);
c_cpsetr("xc1 -- lower x bound", -180.0);
c_cpsetr("xcm -- upper x bound", 180.0);
c_cpsetr("yc1 -- lower x bound", -90.0);
c_cpsetr("ycn -- upper y bound", 90.0);
c_cpsetr("spv -- special value",-9999.0);
c_cpsetr("orv -- out of range value",1.0e12);
* set conpack graphics text parameters
* turn on statistics reporting, turn off vector text blocks
c_vvseti("vst -- vector statistics", 1);
c_vvsetc("mnt - minimum vector text block", " ");
c_vvsetc("mxt - maximum vector text block", " ");
* initialize the drawing of the contour plot, and tell conpack
* to pick contour levels.
c_cprect ((float *)p,MSIZE,MSIZE,NSIZE,rwrk,ICPRWL,iwrk,ICPIWL);
c_cppkcl ((float *)p,rwrk,iwrk);
* set up contour line attributes
c_cpgeti("ncl - number of contour levels",&nclv);
setcla(nclv, iclr2[6],iclr2[3]);
* initialize the area map, and add the conpack labels to the area map
c_arinam (iam,IAREAL);
c_cplbam ((float *)p,rwrk,iwrk,iam);
* set up vector color processing
c_vvseti("msk -- vector masking",1);
c_vvseti("ctv -- color thresholds value", 2);
c_vvseti("nlv -- number of levels", NCLRS1);
for( j=1; j <= NCLRS1; j++ ) {
c_vvseti("pai -- parameter array index", j);
c_vvseti("clr -- gks color index", iclr1[j]);
* modify the color table for a blue background
* and modify the contour attributes
setcla(nclv, iclr2[7],iclr2[3]);
* draw four frames showing first the complete picture, then the
* plot decomposed into 1) ezmap components 2) conpack components
* and 3) vectors components
for( i = 1; i <= 4; i++ ) {
* solid file continental boundaries
if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
* color fill land masses using a gray scale value
gset_fill_int_style (GSTYLE_SOLID);
c_arscam (map, xwrk, ywrk, NWRK, iarea, igrp, ISIZ, fill);
* draw boundaries, including the limb
c_mapsti("c5 - continental outline color",iclr2[9]);
* draw the masked contour lines
if (i == 1 || i == 3) {
c_cpcldm ((float *)p,rwrk,iwrk,iam,drawcl);
* draw the map grid
if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
c_mapsti("c2 - grid",iclr2[9]);
c_mapgrm (iam,xcra,ycra,MCRA,iaai,iagi,NOGI,drawcl);
if (i == 1 || i == 4) {
* initialize vectors
c_vvinit ((float *)u,MSIZE,(float *)v,MSIZE,(float *)p,MSIZE,MSIZE,NSIZE,xdm,idm);
* adjust vector rendering options
c_vvsetr("amn -- arrow minimum size",0.007);
c_vvsetr("lwd -- vector line width",3.00*rlwfac);
c_vvgetr("vmn -- minimum vector",&vmn);
c_vvgetr("vmx -- maximum vector",&vmx);
c_vvsetr("vlc -- vector low cutoff",vmn+0.1*(vmx-vmn));
c_vvgetr("dmx -- device maximum vector length",&dmx);
c_vvsetr("vrl - vector realized length",4.0*dmx/(vr-vl));
c_vvsetr("vfr -- vector fractional minimum",0.4);
* draw the vector field plot
c_vvectr ((float *)u,(float *)v,(float *)p,iam,NGCALLF(vvudmv,VVUDMV),xdm);
* draw labels last
if (i == 1 || i == 3) {
c_cplbdr ((float *)p,rwrk,iwrk);
* draw a perimeter boundary and eject the frame
* deactivate and close workstation, close gks.
void rddata(u,v,p,m,n)
float *u, *v, *p;
int i;
char stmp[257];
* read the data arrays from the standard input
for( i = 0; i < (m*n)-1; i++ ) {
fscanf( stdin, "%g", &u[i] );
fscanf(stdin, "%2s", stmp);
fscanf( stdin, "%g", &u[i] );
for( i = 0; i < (m*n)-1; i++ ) {
fscanf( stdin, "%g", &v[i] );
fscanf(stdin, "%2s", stmp);
fscanf( stdin, "%g", &v[i] );
for( i = 0; i < m*n; i++ ) {
fscanf( stdin, "%g", &p[i] );
fscanf(stdin, "%2s", stmp);
* =====================================================================
int drawcl (xcs,ycs,ncs,iai,iag,nai)
float *xcs, *ycs;
int *ncs, *iai, *iag, *nai;
* routine for masked drawing of contour and grid lines
* this version of drawcl draws the polyline defined by the points
* ((xcs(i),ycs(i)),i=1,ncs) if and only if none of the area identifiers
* for the area containing the polyline are negative. the dash package
* routine curved is called to do the drawing.
* turn on drawing.
int i, idr;
idr = 1;
* if any area identifier is negative, turn off drawing.
for( i = 0; i < *nai; i++ ) {
if (iai[i] < 0) idr=0;
* if drawing is turned on, draw the polyline.
if (idr!=0) c_curved (xcs,ycs,*ncs);
* done.
* =====================================================================
void setcgt()
* sets conpack graphics text parameters
c_cpseti ("llp - line label positioning",0);
c_cpseti ("rwc - real workspace for contours",200);
c_cpseti ("hlb - high/low label box flag",1);
c_cpseti ("llb - line label box flag",0);
c_cpsetc ("ilt - information label text"," ");
c_cpseti ("hlo - high/low label overlap flag",11);
c_cpsetr ("cwm - character width multiplier",1.25);
* =====================================================================
void setcla (nclv, iclclr, iaxclr)
int nclv, iclclr, iaxclr;
* sets contour line attributes
int iclv, iclu;
for( iclv = 1; iclv <= nclv; iclv++ ) {
c_cpseti ("pai - parameter array index",iclv);
c_cpgeti ("clu - contour level use flag",&iclu);
c_cpsetr ("cll - contour-line line width",3.0*rlwfac);
c_cpseti ("clc - contour-line color", iclclr);
if (iclu == 3) {
c_cpsetr ("cll - contour-line line width",6.0*rlwfac);
* "special" contour lines - grid, special values, and out of range
* boundaries
c_cpseti ("pai - parameter array index",-1);
c_cpseti ("clu - contour level use flag",0);
c_cpsetr ("cll - contour level line width",2.);
c_cpseti ("clc - contour level line color",iaxclr);
c_cpseti ("pai - parameter array index",-2);
c_cpseti ("clu - contour level use flag",1);
c_cpsetr ("cll - contour level line width",2.);
c_cpseti ("clc - contour level line color",iaxclr);
c_cpseti ("pai - parameter array index",-3);
c_cpseti ("clu - contour level use flag",1);
c_cpsetr ("cll - contour level line width",2.);
c_cpseti ("clc - contour level line color",iaxclr);
int fill (xwrk,ywrk,nwrk,iarea,igrp,idsiz)
float *xwrk, *ywrk;
int *nwrk, *iarea, *igrp, *idsiz;
* retrieve area id for geographic area
Gpoint_list fill_area;
int i, id;
id = 0;
for( i = 0; i < *idsiz; i++ ) {
if (igrp[i] == 1) id = iarea[i];
* if it's not water, draw it
if (id >= 1) {
if (c_mapaci(id)!=1) {
else {
* Create structure to pass to gfill_area
fill_area.num_points = *nwrk;
fill_area.points = (Gpoint *) malloc(fill_area.num_points*sizeof(Gpoint));
if( !fill_area.points ) {
fprintf( stderr, "fill: Not enough memory to create fill area structure\n" );
for( i = 0; i < *nwrk; i++ ) {
fill_area.points[i].x = xwrk[i];
fill_area.points[i].y = ywrk[i];
free((Gpoint *)fill_area.points);
* otherwise, do nothing
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