I am having problems with a section of code that is used in conjunction
with the lblbar routine to produce a labled bar that serves as a key for
filled contour plots.
The problem looks like it is in using the routine CPGETC to return a
character representation of a real. I have used this in several programs
and never had problems with it until now...
The following code is a simplified version of the original code and can
serve as an example. When run the program writes the to screen the real
value of the chosen contours and the character representation of that
real. If run in its current form the character representation is an
integer rather than a real! If the value of x or y is changed to a smaller
value, 5 say, and re-run then the character representation is a real, as
it should be. This makes me think that the problem may not be in CPGETC as
CPGETC does not use x or y. Perhaps it is in CPRECT??
This is most confusing! Anyone have any ideas??
program testncar
implicit none
integer ierrf,lunit,iwtype,iwkid,iszdm
parameter (ierrf=6, lunit=2, iwtype=1, iwkid=1)
integer i,j
integer x,y
parameter (y=50,x=50)
integer large
parameter (large=500000)
integer iwrk(large)
integer ncont
parameter (ncont=3)
real rdat(x,y)
real rwrk(large)
real cont(ncont)
character *5 lab(ncont)
c Open graphics
call gopks(ierrf, iszdm)
call gopwk(iwkid, lunit, iwtype)
call gacwk(iwkid)
c Set a dummy real data array
do i=1,x
do j=1,y
c Set a dummy contour array
do i=1,ncont
c Set number of contours
call cpseti('cls',0)
call cpseti('ncl',ncont)
c Initialise the drawing of the plot
call cprect(rdat,x,x,y,rwrk,large,iwrk,large)
c Specify contours and labels as per the array cont
do i=1,ncont
call cpseti('pai',i)
call cpsetr('clv',cont(i))
call cpsetr('zdv',cont(i))
call cpgetc('zdv',lab(i))
write(ierrf,*)cont(i)," ",lab(i)
c Close graphics
call gdawk(iwkid)
call gclwk(iwkid)
call gclks
Phil Reid preid@postoffice.antcrc.utas.edu.au
Antarctic CRC Phone : (03) 62 267546
University of Tasmania Fax : (03) 62 262973
PO Box 252-80 Hobart SST #16
Tasmania 7001
Australia http://www.antcrc.utas.edu.au/~preid
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