White Background for ictrans??

From: Paul Michael (pmichael@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Apr 01 1997 - 09:58:10 MST

My prefered format is to have a white background upon which to have NCARG
draw - the way it comes out if the metafile is converted to Post Script by

Problem is that when I use either ictrans or idt to display images in X11
they come out with a black background. Are there parameters that can be set
so that idt and ictrans can do black (or color) on white?

                                                    Paul Michael
Building 318
Atmospheric and Oceanographic Division Voice 516-344-2264
Brookhaven National Lab FAX 516-344-3246
Upton, New York 11973 Email pmichael@bnl.gov

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