At 9:22 AM on Feb. 21, 1997, David J. Knight wrote:
> The ncarg command "med" will do what you want.
> med is a Metacode EDitor
> see "man med" for explanations of the options.
Thanks for the tip!
I dropped the following alias into my .cshrc file:
alias split "med -e 'split \!* myfile' gmeta"
so if I issue the command:
split 5
med splits the file "gmeta" into the 5 separate frames:
myfile001.ncgm, ... myfile005.ncgm
You can change the filename prefix "myfile" to whatever you want.
I then use ncgm2cgm to convert these files into standard *.cgm
format, import them into Canvas on a Macintosh, and polish them up.
Dr. Craig A. Mattocks Phone : (305) 361-4532
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"It's not easy being green." - Kermit the Frog
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