
From: Prof. Joel Koplik (koplik@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 13:59:19 MST


        Thanks for the response. Your code indeed produces the right zero,
but it didn't work in the kind of example I have:

        program test0
        dimension x(100)
        do i=1,100
        call opngks
        CALL PCSETI('FN',26)
        call agseti('X/LOGARITHMIC.',l)
        call agseti('Y/LOGARITHMIC.',l)
        call ezy(x,100,'Plot000')
        call clsgks

Here I get a log-log plot, but both the heading and the numbering on the axis
have "slash-zeros", independent of whether or not I include the PCSETI call
you suggested.

What have I forgotten to do?

| Joel Koplik | |
| Levich Institute, T-1M | phone: (212) 650-8162 |
| City College of New York | fax: (212) 650-6835 |
| New York, NY 10031 USA | e-mail: |

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