Recently Silvia Alessio asked how to use CONREC to draw phase maps.
Embedded in the program appended below is one approach which is
fairly effective.
Jack Miller
save the stuff below in a file test.f and compile with
ncargf77 test.f
program phaze
parameter (nn=90,mm=90)
real z(nn,mm),wk(2*mm*nn+mm+nn)
complex w,v
common /CONRE1/ioffp,spval
pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0)
x1 = -2.0
x2 = 2.0
y1 = -2.0
y2 = 2.0
n = nn
m = mm
l = n
dx = (x2 - x1) / (n - 1)
dy = (y2 - y1) / (m - 1)
do 10 j = 1,m
y = y1 + (j - 1) * dy
do 10 i = 1,n
x = x1 + (i - 1) * dx
v = cmplx(x,y)
w = 1.0 / (v - 1.0) + 1.0 / (v + 1.0)
z(i,j) = atan2(aimag(w),real(w))
10 continue
call opngks
c Here is an example of a program which plots the phase diagram of
c a function of a complex variable using conrec from ncar graphics.
c The first invocation calls conrec with no changes and the plots
c exhibit the piling up of contours in some regions.
nhi = -1.0
ndot = -585
dt = pi /18
FLO = -PI/2.0
HI = PI / 2.0
NSET = 0
call frame
c The piling up of contour lines is the result of severe discontinuities
c which can be seen by looking at the following srface plots of the
c same array.
do 30 k = 1,8
angx = (k - 1) * 45.0
angxy = 45.0
call ezsrfc(z,m,n,angx,angxy,wk)
30 continue
c The type of discontinuities exhibited in the above plots are
c the sort of thing that led Riemann to invent his surfaces.
c Since conrec doesn't know about Riemann surfaces, we can give
c it some help in regions where contours get too thick by using
c the special value feature to supress the plotting of these
c crowded contours.
ioffp = 1
spval =-1.e+99
spval =-1.367921
do 20 j = 1,m-1
do 20 i = 1,n-1
c dt here is the increment between contours
if (abs(z(i,j) -z(i+1,j))+abs(z(i,j) -z(i,j+1)).gt.15.*dt)
1 z(i,j) = spval
20 continue
call frame
c I just put this in to show that we have not altered the array
c "very much".
do 40 k = 1,8
angx = (k - 1) * 45.0
angxy = 45.0
call ezsrfc(z,m,n,angx,angxy,wk)
40 continue
call clsgks
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