Re: How to get a frame from a multi-frame gmeta file?

From: NCAR G Talk (ncargt@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jan 07 1997 - 09:37:47 MST

> Hi,
> I am using ncar graphics to create a gmeta file which has multi-frame,
> and I want to get a specific frame, suppose #3 frame.
> I know idt or ictrans can do it, but they are both interractive tools. I
> am wondering if I can use ctrans to do it because I try to write a c
> scripts file.
> The commond line may be like:
> ctrans -d hdf -res 400x400 -frame 3 myfile.ncgm > myfile3.hdf
> Thanks
> Peizhong

Dear Peizhong,

You might also want to consider using the med program for editing NCGM
files. In some ways, med seems simpler to use, since you wouldn't
need to bother with the ncarv_spool file. To create the output that
was given as an example, the user would type:

   med -e '3 write frame3.ncgm' myfile.ncgm
   ctrans -d hdf -res 400x400 frame3.ncgm > myfile3.hdf

The following URL gives more in depth information about med use: 3 38

--NCARG Talk Staff

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