Re: eps or epsi

From: Werner Wintels (wintels@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Dec 10 1996 - 18:42:18 MST

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Michael Timlin wrote:

> I haven't used NCARGraphics much since the upgrade to 4.0, so I don't know
> how to create eps or epsi files using 4.0. I'm quite familiar with ctrans
> and creating postscript. When 4.0 was released it said eps and epsi were
> supported but I haven't been able to find these features.
> Thanks,
> Mike Timlin
> Michael Timlin
> Well, you're gonna!

Please send responses to this question to the list or to my adress as
well as I am curious about this as well.

Werner Wintels
Ph D. Candidate
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
McGill University

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