> From: rick@zephyr.meteo.McGill.CA
> All,
> Using NG 3.2 there seems to be no possibility of interactive
> communication between the three available label placement schemes
> (default, regular, and penalty) and user code (via perhaps a user-
> definable subroutine which receives the position of a candidate
> label and assigns a special weight).
> More specifically I'm wondering whether it is (will be) possible
> to mask contour labels in the same manner as it is possible to mask
> the contours themselves. Isolated labels pop up over continental
> areas in a plot of an oceanic field! Has anybody encountered a
> solution for this?
> Thanks.
In NCAR Graphics 4.0.1, there will be an example ("cpex15") showing
how to do what is requested here. In the example, user-supplied versions
of the CONPACK routines CPCHHL and CPCHLL are used to examine the projected
positions of high/low labels and contour-line labels and return "thumbs-down"
signals for undesirable ones. (I would just post the example, but it also
depends on changes having been made in some internal CONPACK routines;
those changes would be difficult to extract and apply to the 3.2 code.)
Dave Kennison
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