I am working with NCAR3.2.1 now in Canadian Center of Climate Modelling and Analysis
I have a problem when I try to draw contour graphs using Conpack. I don't know how to
to make Label of High/Low and Contour Labels thicker. I try to use different fonts and
also try to use different size but it will not work. I guess they were drawn using GTX
or PLCHLQ subroutine internally. The contour graphs I produced using NCAR3.2 can not be
published because the labels shoul be much more thicker in order to be seen in photos.
I was trying to update the plots from NCAR2.0 which using hafton to NCAR3.2 which using
Conpack directly. Can anyone who is familar with the problem give me some help?
Thank you.
IN THE PAST SEVERAL MONTH I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON NCAR3.2. I wish the manual could describe
more in detail. Are any NCAR designer in this talk group?
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