CONREC algorithm

From: system@XXXXXX
Date: Mon Mar 18 1996 - 09:05:15 MST

NCAR Graphics Users:

I am looking for a simple way to let undergraduates make contour plots
from data sets generated by PC programs such as FORTRAN Power Station.

I would like to avoid the extra steps (not to mention expense) of going
into a full featured graphics program to produce the plot. I would also
like to keep the operation local rather than having the student login to
a Unix host to run NCAR Graphics.

Is anyone aware of:

1. A source for the CONREC algorithm.

2. A commercial, shareware, or public domain program that does simple
   contour plots without being embedded in a full featured application
   (and which works with DOS or Windows).

Thank you
Erick Lorenz
tmospheric Science
Land, Air & Water Resources
U C Davis

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