Tailor Postscript Editor for the Mac

From: Dr. Craig A. Mattocks (mattocks@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 05 1996 - 07:50:52 MST


I've found the Tailor app *extremely* useful for modifying/enhancing
NCAR graphics generated postscript on NeXTSTEP platforms and now
it's available for Macintoshes. It works like a friendly draw/paint
program. You can edit/manipulate the postscript "objects" (commands)
individually with the mouse. It's also excellent for debugging *.ps
and *.eps files you're having troubles printing.

Tailor is a bit pricey ($495 for commercial users, $295 for educational
users). I wonder if a discount program (50% off?) could be arranged
between the NCAR Graphics group and FirstClass, using the leverage
of x number of registered users?


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Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 05:17:35 -0800
From: Kawasaki@eworld.com
To: macway-for-guy@solutions.apple.com
Subject: PR--Tailor
Message-ID: <960227051735_26082912@hp1.online.apple.com>
Reply to: peter@firstclass.be (Peter Camps)

FirstClass NV Releases Tailor for Macintosh
-First Visual PostScript Editor on the Mac-

See Tailor at Seybold Boston in Room CR3 (on level 2)

Seybold Conference, Boston, MA - February 26, 1996 - FirstClass NV today
announced Tailor for Macintosh, a visual click-and-drag software
application for editing virtually any PostScript file from any source.

Tailor for Macintosh is a true PostScript editor, not an import filter.
Designed to support the imaging model of the PostScript language, it
allows visual manipulation of any graphical object that can be described
in PostScript. When you save a file from Tailor, the result is a
PostScript or EPS file, not a proprietary file format.

Proven technology ----------------- Tailor for Macintosh is based on
Tailor for NextStep, the first visual PostScript editor on the market.
Tailor for NextStep has been shipping since late 1993 and has proven to
be very reliable, stable and easy to use.

"Tailor has been received extremely well by our customers", says Peter
Camps, CEO and co-founder of FirstClass NV. "We have been overwhelmed by
raving e-mails and thank-you notes".

"One of our PostScript service bureau users put it this way: 'With Tailor
we can do things that we and our customers long considered impossible.
And it saves us a lot of time too. It's hard to imagine living in today's
PostScript world without Tailor!'"

Major features -------------- - Tailor accepts PostScript and EPS
(Encapsulated PostScript) input from any platform: Macintosh, Windows,
Unix and others.

- Tailor can save a document, a page or a selection in PostScript or
EPS format, or export to Adobe Illustrator 3 format.

- Tailor is very easy to use. A novice user familiar with basic
Macintosh concepts can start using the product immediately. No
PostScript knowledge is required at all.

- Objects can be selected, moved, rotated and scaled just using the
mouse. Text and paths, including clipping masks, can be edited. The
Tailor toolbox allows to create new objects.

- All editing can be performed in preview mode or in wireframe mode.
This combines the benefits of full WYSIWYG editing with the fine
selection capabilities of a wireframe display.

- A powerful object inspector allows the user to examine and modify any
graphic attribute of any object : position, size, transformation,
color, fill, stroke etc. Spot colors are also supported.

- Intelligent grouping facilitates editing. Tailor auto- matically
detects embedded EPS illustrations in a PostScript file and creates a
group for every illustration. The user can then operate on the
illustration as a whole, or he can directly select and manipulate a
single object, regardless of grouping.

Tailor applications ------------------- Last minute changes

Any element on a page such as a price or a misspelled word can be changed
without going back to the original application.

Editing of EPS illustrations

Often, EPS illustrations come from many sources and have to be combined
into a document. These illustrations may not have the correct colors, or
they may not match the house style. Without Tailor it is not possible to
modify the illustrations.

Tailor makes it possible to change the appearance of EPS illustrations,
such as colors and fonts, very quickly and to generate new EPS files for
importing into the final document.

Enhancement of graphics

One user reports: "I use Tailor mainly to edit graphics produced by other
applications. Typical operations include adding labels, repositioning
various parts, and deleting unwanted parts. Tailor is an absolutely
wonderful piece of software. My colleagues are green with envy when I
show them how I can fix problems easily while they have to get out the
old white-out and glue!"

Conversion from PostScript to EPS

Many applications are not able to generate EPS files, but almost any
application can generate PostScript by printing to a PostScript file.
Using Tailor, a page out of a PostScript file can be saved in EPS format.
The EPS file contains the proper preview image for precise placing of the
graphic in a document.

Cleanup of bad PostScript

Tailor accepts PostScript files from the most exotic sources, even
questionable PostScript generated by many PostScript drivers. The output
of Tailor is clean PostScript that will render without problems.

Availability and pricing ------------------------ Tailor for Macintosh
1.0 GX is available now during the Seybold conference in Boston. This
version requires QuickDraw GX, an optional system software component of
System 7.5. A version that does not require QuickDraw GX is scheduled for
release just after summer.

Tailor for Macintosh is priced at $495 for commercial users, and at $295
for educational users. In North America, Tailor for Macintosh is
distributed by EnFocus Software Inc.

FirstClass NV, the developer of Tailor, was founded in Ghent, Belgium in
1993 by publishing industry professionals. Its business mission is to
develop and market innovative graphics applications for desktop platforms.

EnFocus Software Inc.
1776 Lincoln Street, Suite 1012
Denver, CO 80203
Voice: 00 1 303 861 2395
Fax: 00 1 303 861 2393
Email: info@enfocus.com

FirstClass NV
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 3
B-9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Voice: +32 9 241 57 05
Fax: +32 9 245 03 04
Email: info@firstclass.be

User quotes in the text are based on the unsollicited comments of: Dag
Hasvold, Falch Hurtigtrykk as, Norway Michael Burgstahler, Two Tribes
Informationsgestaltung, Germany Magnus Nordborg, Dept of Biological
Sciences, Stanford Univ, USA

Best regards,
Peter Camps, Chief Executive Officer
FirstClass NV
Avennesdreef 32, B-9031 Drongen, Belgium
Voice: +32 9 227 62 48
Fax: +32 9 227 15 89
Email: peter@firstclass.be (MIME welcome)

Do you believe in Macintosh? Learn how to help the cause by subscribing
to EvangeList, a listserver for Macintosh fans. To receive instructions,
send an email to <evangelist@macway.com>.
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Dr. Craig A. Mattocks Phone : (305) 361-4532
NOAA-AOML/CIMAS Fax : (305) 361-4402
Hurricane Research Division E-mail: mattocks@aoml.noaa.gov
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway mattocks@rcf.rsmas.miami.edu
Miami, Florida 33149
"Life is either a DARING ADVENTURE or nothing." - Helen Keller

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