> Hi !
> I apologize for re-sending my message but I was not sure that it got through
> with the right reply ID:
> We try the graphcap hppcl for sending a color print on a HP deskjet850C,
> which works with PCL4 language. It seems to work but the output is in
> black and white. Is there a work-around for this problem ?
> Thank you in advance !
> Jean-Marc MOLINES
Dear Jean-Marc Molines,
The "hppcl" driver does not support color. If your printer supports
PostScript output, then a work-around would be to use one of the
PostScript graphcaps, like "ps.color" or "ps.land.color".
If you have Version 4.0 of NCAR Graphics, then you can use the new
PostScript driver. This allows you to create a PostScript file
directly when you execute your program rather than having to wait
until the program is finished and then convert your NCGM to a PS file.
For more information on how to use this PostScript driver (only
available with NCAR Graphics V4.0), see the URL:
--NCAR Graphics Support
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