Aha....3.0! Thanks, this will clear up something, possibly only my wallet
though if we have to upgrade and buy some new licenses.
At 04:28 PM 11/20/95 -0700, you wrote:
>> I recall seeing a message to this group that an upgrade to Version 4.0
>> requires using Fortran level 2.0 (or greater?) on a Sun workstation. We have
>> a Sparc2 presently running 4.1.3_U1 and there is some hangup about licenses
>> for 2.0 (ordered but not yet received is the word). My qustion to those
>> on sparc2's is whether you know if there is any need to upgrade at all
>> (though there are apparently other reasons to go to 4.1.4) and whether
>> NCAR 4.0 runs ok with Solaris 2.4.
>Hopefully I can clear the air on this one. NCAR Graphics Version 4.0
>was compiled with Version *3.0* of the Fortran and C compilers under
>both Solaris 2.4 and SunOS 4.1.x. We've never had Version 2.0 of the
>compilers here, so I can't say for sure what the behavior would be if
>you try to link to Version 3.0-compiled libraries using a Version 2.0
>compiler. It is my feeling that it wouldn't be compatible, however.
>So the answer is "yes", NCAR 4.0 runs ok with Solaris 2.4, but I'm
>pretty sure you must have V3.0 of the compilers. The same holds for
>SunOS 4.1.x.
>Of course, you can always compile NCAR Graphics yourself from source,
>but please be aware that the HLU source is not included with V4.0, so
>you wouldn't be able to recompile the HLU library. You should still
>be able to use the original NCAR Graphics executables, however, so you
>can use the pre-built versions of "ncl" and "xproto" and all the other
>Hope this clears some confusion up!
Joseph Cain cain@geomag.gly.fsu.edu
(904) 644-4014 (office) FAX (904) 644-4214
(904) 385-0227 (residence) http://geomag.gly.fsu.edu/~cain
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