> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:46:51 -0500 (EST)
> From: peizhong wu <wupz@engin.umich.edu>
> To: ncarg-talk@ncar.UCAR.EDU
> Hi,
> Is anyone still has the postscript file on NCAR Graphics Contouring and
> Mapping Tutorial for Version 3.2.1? I am trying to get a copy from
> ftp.ucar.edu but can not find it. If you have one, would you please send
> me a email?
The documentation for Version 3.2.1 has all been moved onto
the world wide web. The NCAR Graphics homepage URL is
You can access the web with a browser such as Mosaic. The
above NCAR Graphics web documentation will tell you about
browsers and how to acquire one, assuming your site doesn't
already have one or more.
> PS. The Ncar Graphics version in university of Michigan is still 3.2.1,
> does anyone know how to get the version 4.0?
Information for ordering Version 4.0 is also a topic
under the above URL. If your site does not have a browser
just send e-mail to scdinfo@ncar.ucar.edu. If you really
want hardcopy of the 3.2.1 manual, rather than online access,
ask the folks at scdinfo@ncar.ucar.edu. They may still have
some of these manuals available.
> Thanks
> Peizhong Wu
> Department of Atmospheric Science
> University of Michigan
Most welcome,
Bob Lackman
National Center For Atmospheric Research E-mail: rll@ncar.ucar.edu
P.O.Box 3000 Phone: (303) 497-1224
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 FAX: (303) 497-1298
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