Am installing version 3.2 on Sun SPARCstation with tar files. I
did not do this as a Super User. I believe I followed the
Installation Guide with the proper setting of the environmental
variables. X11 is available on the system. When I tried to
complile "example.f", I obtained error messages because certain
library subroutines were not accessible. I copy the screen output
below for your review.
Do other installers of NCAR graphics (who receive
this E-mail) know what library I might be missing just by viewing
the attached screen output? Thank you in advance for your reply.
================ Screen Output ===============================
pacific{wd21pw}29> /export/wd21pw/NCARG/bin/ncargf77 example.f
f77 example.f /export/wd21pw/NCARG/lib/libncarg.a
/export/wd21pw/NCARG/lib/libncarg_loc.a -lX11 -lm
MAIN exmple:
ld: Undefined symbol
pacific{wd21pw}30> /export/wd21pw/NCARG/bin/ncargf77 -noX11 example.f
f77 example.f /export/wd21pw/NCARG/lib/ncarg/robj/ggkwdr_stub.o
/export/wd21pw/NCARG/lib/libncarg_loc.a -lm
MAIN exmple:
ld: Undefined symbol
==================== End of Screen Window Output ===============
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