creating gif files (fwd)

Date: Thu Jun 15 1995 - 08:41:00 MDT

> Justin Greenfield wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone out there had a program to create a gif or some
> > sort of bmp file from an NCAR cgm file? I am using ncargraphics on a
> > vax, by the way... I know on UNIX machines you can use ctrans to create
> > a raster file...
> Along those lines, I know quite a few people that would be *very*
> interested to know how to *automatically* create gif files from an
> ncarg meta or cgm file. Have the authors of NCAR Graphics included a
> utility to do that?? Seems like it might be a common request...
> Any help would be very appreciated!
> ---
> M S Petersen
> Associate Professional Scientist
> Illinois State Water Survey
> (217) 244-6864
This is my solution:

        ctrans -d xwd gemta > meta.xwd

        rassplit -f 1 2 3 4 .... meta.xwd

                        build x files metaXXXX.xwd

        convert meta0001.xwd meta0001.gif

convert is a part of ImageMagick


Jean SALVANO CNRM/CTI 42 Av Coriolis 31057 Toulouse Cedex

Tel : 61 07 93 32 Fax : 61 07 96 00 Email :


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