> Several posts along the lines of converting from NCAR Graphics
> NCGM format to gif.
Step 1. NCGM to xwd
I also convert from NCGM to gif using either ctrans, or the UNIX
command xwd to create a file in xwd raster format. Use "man ctrans",
or "man xwd" to view the available options. ctrans will convert a
file, whereas the xwd command dumps the content of an X11 window.
To see a list of all of the supported ctrans output devices (which
includes raster files), type the command "gcaps". ctrans also has
a resolution option which allows you to choose the number of pixels
in x and y for your xwd image. For example,
% ctrans -d xwd -res 1024x1024 > raster.xwd
would create an image with 1024x1024 resolution.
Step 2. Clip the image as desired
Use the tools rasls, rascat, and rasview to view the file content (rasls)
copy subsections of the image to a new file (rascat), and view the result
Step 3. Convert from xwd to gif.
There is a package available from SDSC called imconv (image convert)
which supports multiple format conversions including xwd and gif.
imconv is available via anonymous ftp as follows:
ftp ftp.sdsc.edu
login: anonymous
passwd: name@site.edu
cd pub/sdsc/graphics
get imtools
Once installed on your system the simple conversion statement is:
imconv filename.xwd filename.gif
Hope this is helpfull.
Bob Lackman
National Center For Atmospheric Research E-mail: rll@ncar.ucar.edu
P.O.Box 3000 Phone: (303) 497-1224
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 FAX: (303) 497-1298
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