Yesterday (4 April 1994) I asked:
> Q. Is there any way to covert a color .ncgm file into a
> greyscale image in PostScript? I tried ctrans with the
> switch -d ps.mono, but it didn't work.
Many thanks to
Stephane Ethier (
James Stricherz (
for suggestion of using ps.color device. It renders
well on a noncolor printer (SPARCprinter). Also the
size of the color PostScript file is not any significantly
larger than that of the mono ps file, at least for the
test case of colcon.ncgm . (For the colcon.ncgm, the
color ps file generated by ctrans is 590827 bytes, the
corresponding mono ps size is 584255 bytes.)
Cam Tran ( NRaD Code 761
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