SunOS 4.1.3 problem

From: Al Bourgeois (ajb@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 07 1995 - 07:18:29 MST

My application code aborts with a segmentation violation in routine PLCHHQ. So
I tried running the simple example "fpcfonts.f", which is one of the many
examples provided with NCAR graphics that calls PLCHHQ. I got the very same
error. Note that I have successfully run other examples (like example.f) which
do not call PLCHHQ, so my installation and setup seem to be ok. Here is the

   ncargex fpcfonts
   NCAR Graphics Fortran Fundamentals Example <fpcfonts>

     Copying fpcfonts.f

   Compiling and Linking...
   f77 -o fpcfonts fpcfonts.f /usr/local/lib/libncarg.a
   /usr/local/lib/libncarg_gks.a /usr/local/lib/libncarg_c.a
   /usr/local/lib/libncarg_loc.a -lX11 -lm
    MAIN exmpls:

   Executing <fpcfonts>...
   *** Segmentation Violation = signal 11 code 3
   Traceback has been recorded in file:
   Note: Line numbers for system and library calls may be incorrect
   Abort (core dumped)
   Metafile is named fpcfonts.ncgm

The traceback looks like:

Called from [func: (null)], at 0xeef0ec4c, args=0xb 0xffffffff 0xeefadc66 0xee
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xeefa15ec, args=0xeeefcf00 0xb5100 0x8000 0x50
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xeefa1c20, args=0x4368 0x0 0xffffffff 0xef006c
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xeef90174, args=0x4368 0x907f8 0x1 0x1
Called from [func: _pcfred_], at 0xc438, args=0x0 0x7a400 0x4 0xef006dd0
Called from [func: _plchhq_], at 0x3860, args=0x3 0x68c38 0x697b8 0x71e7c
Called from [func: _MAIN_], at 0x2594, args=0x9d414 0x3 0x78d5c 0xeffff9d0
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xeef88db4, args=0x68650 0x68648 0x68400 0x1e
Called from [func: start], at 0x2064, args=0x0 0x10 0xeffffabc 0x68400
End traceback...

I am running on a Sparc10 under SunOS 4.1.3. Has anyone experienced this
problem before? Thanks.

-Al Bourgeois

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