I have never received answer to one problem I found using NCAR3.2 ictrans (or ctrans)
instead of the old 'plt':
In making a postcript file from a gmeta, I used:
ictrans -e '1p' -d ps.color gmeta > img-trans.ps
and (as I still have an old plt on an old sun ...)
plt -q -f 1 -d ps.color gmeta > img-plt.ps
Look at the size of the resulting PostScript file :
-rw-rw-rw- 470425 Jan 28 11:22 img-plt.ps
-rw-rw-rw- 7494379 Jan 28 11:22 img-trans.ps
A ratio of 15.93 in the size.
File from plt print quickly on a small printer and is OK
File from ictrans print very slowly on a big printer and is also OK.
As far as plt is no more supported, is there a work-around with ictrans
to obtain reasonable sizes for the PS files ?
Thank You in advance !
Jean-Marc Molines
Laboratoire des Ecoulements Geophysiques et Industriels,
Grenoble, France
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