req. advice for making graphics for a estuary model

From: Mark Vincent (vincent@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jan 19 1995 - 10:34:43 MST

I am in the initial stages of learning NCAR graphics, in order to
produce graphics for a numerical estuarine model of Tampa Bay, Florida.

Some of the key aspects of this project are:
1) The intricate shoreline and islands of the model domain
   (i.e. more detailed than the large scale continental and country maps
   produced by EZMAP

2) The model uses a curvilinear orthogonal grid. Therefore this data would
appear to ncar as randomly spaced data versus gridded data.

3) I have files with the key coordinates of the grid cells (i.e. latitude,
   longitude, angle sides with with respect to true directions).

   For the shoreline, I have a text file of the latitude and longitude of
   each point along each segment of the shoreline, islands etc. seperated
   by "flag" values between each segment. The file is quite long, having
   over 10,000 data coordinates within approx. 20 segments.

The graphics that I want to produce include all or portions of the
following features:
1) map of the shoreline;
2) contour plots of scalars (i.e. temperature) masked by the land;
3) vector plots of velocitiy, masked by land;
4) the structure of my curvilnear grid;
5) addition of titles etc.

I have been reviewing and running the examples provided in NCAR v2 and v3.00,
but have not seen any good examples to use as a template for items 1-4 above.
I am especially interested in how to produce and mask the intricate
shoreline and islands, and how to import and contour the "randomly" spaced
data from the curvilinear grid.

I would be most appreciative if any users could point me in the right
direction, or provide any examples which would be applicable.

Mark Vincent
University of South Florida
Department of Marine Science
140 7th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

phone (813) 893-9102

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