I just installed ncar graphics 4.4.1 on a linux box running portland
graphic compilers and RHEL 4. I compiled it from source, because the
precompiled binaries weren't working properly (meaning that one of my
users couldn't compile her code). I did a basic install with the
defaults and I included
Now it seems to work... almost. She's getting the following error:
revu-2.5.a(ramscode.o)(.text+0x8c): In function `rams_ref_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(ramscode.o)(.text+0xf58): In function `rams_ref_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(ramsgks.o)(.text+0x8c): In function `niceinc_mrc_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(ramsgks.o)(.text+0x25c): In function `niceinc6_mrc_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(rcolors.o)(.text+0x249c): In function `gks_fillcolors_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(rcolors.o)(.text+0x24dd): more undefined references to
`__mth_i_rpowrx' follow
revu-2.5.a(rcomp.o)(.text+0x1d271): In function `comp_sett_':
: undefined reference to `htt_'
revu-2.5.a(rcomp.o)(.text+0x1ebfb): In function `comp_drizflx_':
: undefined reference to `__mth_i_rpowrx'
revu-2.5.a(rvec.o)(.text+0x148d): In function `ramsvect_':
/usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gziqwk.o)(.text+0x123): In
function `gziqwk_':
: undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
/usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0x1ee): In
function `gztowk_':
: undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
/usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0x54e): In
function `gztowk_':
: undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
/usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0x81c): In
function `gztowk_':
: undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
pgf90-Fatal-linker completed with exit code 1
The user sent this explanation: "After including -g77libs in my
local file, it is still missing one reference ggkwdr. Somehow it
doesn't recognize power expression in the code any longer."
Does anyone have any ideas?
--jenny fox
Unix System Administrator
NOAA Chemical Sciences Division
Boulder, CO 80305
ncarg-talk mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 15 2006 - 11:25:00 MST
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