i'm new to ncarg :-)
i've installed it on my computer
i've test the example file about the stream lines, i think that ncarg
is a powerfool software for this things.
i'm trying to plot a streamlines from "codar" data...
i've a .dat file whit the raw data (acquisition for one hour)
text file like this :
Total vectors
Vectors: dx dy u v lat lon
-6.25000 -2.50000 1.717 -7.092
40.644167 14.092523
-6.25000 -1.25000 1.631 -9.520
40.655418 14.092523
-6.25000 0.00000 1.251 -12.137
40.666667 14.092523
-6.25000 1.25000 0.313 -12.531
40.677914 14.092523
-5.00000 -2.50000 2.789 -4.769
40.644167 14.107351
-5.00000 -1.25000 1.593 -7.360
40.655418 14.107351
-5.00000 0.00000 1.259 -9.956
40.666667 14.107351
-5.00000 1.25000 -0.763 -17.315
40.677914 14.107351
i must plot the streamlines using : dx dy u v lat lon
how can i plot the stream lines usin ncarg?
thanks for any help!
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