The missing routines are found by adding -lSystemStubs to the very end
of your linking command. I have had to add this to all versions of gcc
for certain packages in addition to the NCAR Graphics library on Mac OS
X 10.3 and 10.4.
David Blanchard wrote:
>I have already encountered this problem and solved it. Although I
>composed the email, I never got around to sending it. Appended below:
>April 27, 2006
>After a few days of head scratching, I've finally figured out why I
>could not successfully compile and load and decided to share it with the
>group. First some background:
>I originally installed NCARG on my Apple G4 laptop running Mac OS X
>10.4.2. This version of the OS comes with GCC 4.0.0. I also installed
>g77 3.4 from the web site. After a few
>configuration settings were modified, all worked well.
>A few weeks ago, we got an Apple G5 desktop running Mac OS X 10.4.4.
>This version of the OS comes with GCC 4.2.0. I continued to use g77 3.4
>from the web site. Attempting to compile and load
>results in these errors:
>>dob> ncargex cpex08
>>NCAR Graphics Fortran Example <cpex08>
>>Copying cpex08.f
>>Copying cpexcc.f
>>Compiling and linking...
>>g77 -O -o cpex08 cpexcc.f cpex08.f -L/usr/local/ncarg/lib
>>-L/sw/lib -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lXpm -lX11 -lXext
>>/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>The compile and link failed.
>>System configuration:
>I removed the entire GCC 4.2.0 package from the Mac and attempted a
>clean install of the previous version, GCC 4.0.0. Same problem. Then I
>replaced the version of f77 with the version from
> This worked!
>My conclusion is that the current binary downloadable version of NCARG
>for Mac OS X does not play well with GCC 4.2.0, which is the current
>version that ships with the newest Macs. It does work with GCC 4.0.0.
>Hope this is useful information to others.
>| David O. Blanchard Flagstaff, Arizona |
>ncarg-talk mailing list
-- Craig C. Douglas -, University of Kentucky, 773 Anderson Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0046, USA - Professor of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, - 514H CRMS (Robotics building) Tel: +1-859-257-2438 Yale University, CS Dept., P.O. Box 208285, New Haven, CT 06520-8285, USA - Senior Research Scientist of Computer Science - 206 Arthur K. Watson Hall, 51 Prospect Street Tel: +1-203-432-1207 Home: +1-203-625-9449, Cell: +1-203-570-2604, eFAX: +1-203-547-6273 DDDAS: (dynamic data-driven application simulation) MGNet: (multigrid and related methods)
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