On Thu, 11 May 2006 depaus_at_uni-bremen.de wrote:
> Dear all,
> does anyone have had a similar experience as I with the installation of NCAR
> Graphics (source tar) on Open Suse Linux 10.0?
> I have installed all, from the source file, but there is a problem with idt, it
> opens but doesn´t work. It gets stalled.
Hi Tim,
Your problem with idt is probably due to the "ictrans" program not
getting built. Look in $NCARG_ROOT/bin for ictrans, and if it isn't
there, then look at the make-output file to see what happened when it
tried to build the files in $NCARG/ni/src/ncarview/bin/ictrans. If
you can't figure out what's going on, send me a personal email.
> Another problem is that I cannot run the MM5 Terrain module, since it gives the
> following message after making the Terrain Makefile (just a small part of
> message):
> ...
> pgf90 -o terrain.exe ia.o anal2.o bint.o bndry.o crlnd.o crter.o dfclrs.o
> exaint.o finprt.o fudger.o interp.o label.o lakes.o latlon.o llxy.o mxmnll.o
> nestll.o oned.o outpt.o output.o pltter.o rdldtr.o replace.o rflp.o setup.o
> sint.o smth121.o smther.o smthtr.o terdrv.o terrain.o tfudge.o vtran.o
> xyobsll.o hiresmap.o plots.o crvst.o crvst30s.o nestbdy.o crsoil.o equate.o
> labels.o labelv.o patch.o plotcon.o watercheck.o crlwmsk.o soil_tg.o
> water_vfr.o check_data.o terrestial_info.o write_fieldrec.o
> -L/usr/local/ncarg/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11
> -L/usr/pgi//linux86/lib -L/usr/lib -L/home/tim -lf2c
> crlnd.o: In function `crlnd_':
> crlnd.f:(.text+0x146c): undefined reference to `gsclip_'
> dfclrs.o: In function `dfclrs_':
> dfclrs.f:(.text+0x66): undefined reference to `gscr_'
> pltter.o: In function `pltter_':
> pltter.f:(.text+0x8fe): undefined reference to `gstxci_'
> ...
> These undefined reference ´functions´ appear to be voids in NCAR graphic files.
> They are refered from under terrain/src/crlnd.f, terrain/src/pltter.f etc.
> Does anybody have a clue?
At least some of these routines are from the GKS library that should
have been built as part of NCAR Graphics. It sounds like you might
have had multiple failures in your build. Can you send me the
"make-output" file?
> Thanks for your help.
> Best regards,
> Tim de Paus
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