>I am learning to use NCAR's shallow water code STSWM. I would like to get some
>help visualizing the height field using NCAR graphics package. The namelist
>parameters used for test case (test1) is as follows:
> ALPHA = 1.520796327,
> A = 6371220 ,
> OMEGA = 0.00007292 ,
> GRAV = 9.80616 ,
> HDC = ,
> $END
> DT = 1200.0 ,
> EGYFRQ = 24.0,
> ERRFRQ = 1.0,
> SPCFRQ = 999.0,
> TAUE = 48.0,
> TAUO = 2.0,
> GPHFRQ = 24.0,
> AFC = ,
> FORCED = ,
> MOMENT = ,
> ICOND = 1,
> $END
> LOP = .FALSE.,
> LCP = .FALSE.,
> LPSP = .TRUE.,
> LG = .TRUE.,
> LU = .FALSE.,
> LV = .FALSE.,
> LZ = .FALSE.,
> LD = .FALSE.,
> LVV = .FALSE.,
> POLAT = ,
> POLNG = ,
> POROT = ,
> $END
> FNIN = ,
> FNOUT ="test_output1.nc" ,
> Please let me know as how to use the NCAR graphics package to visualize the
> Thanks,
> Raj Prabhu
ncarg-talk mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 23 2006 - 12:35:36 MST
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